Best Deals 3" Drill Press Vise

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2012 3" Drill Press

Liberty Forge
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If you like best seller 3" Drill Press Vise. You should Buy 3" Drill Press with lowest prices from our Best Deals Associated. You will get Best buy 3" Drill Press Best Deals from merchants stores

Here are some of the great features of 3" Drill Press Vise

3" Drill Press, 3" drill press vise that fits the "mini" or "benchtop" drill presses. This vise bolts right on to the work table, and allows you secure whatever you are drilling. This item is a must have if you own a drill press. liDimensions: 5.5" (W) x 6.5" (L) x 2" (H)liJaws Open: 3"liMounting Holes: 4.5" ApartSKU: 1346F

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As of Tuesday, January 10, 2012 3:38 PM PST ( *Pricing disclaimer : Product prices, promotion and availability are accurate as of the date/time indicated and are subject to change without notice. Any price and availability information displayed on the original websites, as applicable at the time of purchase will apply to the purchase of related products. )